Member Requirements
1. Overall GPA of 3.5 and a math and science GPA of at least 3.2
2. Must be able to attend required professional, social, philanthropy, and service events each semester
3. Must be able to attend at least 4 of the chapter meetings each semester as a returning member.
4. Must be able to attain 13 points each semester as a returning member.
*REMINDER: These are the minimum requirements!
Point System and Membership Requirements

As a new member you will be required to have 1 less chapter than as a current member
New Member dues are $185 for the first year or $140 for the first semester
This includes $85 for the one-time national dues
***Please note that we don't want finances to be the reason you can not join AED. Please reach out to Ella and/or Juveria if you feel that it might be.***

Returning Member dues are $55 per semester, or $100 if paid in full for the year
***Please note that we don't want finances to be the reason you can not join AED. Please reach out to Ella and/or Juviera if you feel that it might be.***
Points determine:
Probation status/removal from organization
Consideration for events with limited space
Eligibility for an AED officer position
If a member does not meet the semester point requirements, he/she will be placed on probation for the following semester. The probation penalty will be decided by AED's current board members.
If the member does not meet the requirements for the semester while on probation, he/she will be terminated from our organization.